Analysis of the perception and promotion of the D1 brand in Ciudad Bolivar, during 2024




Perception, Promotion, Advertising, Attention, Brand


This article presents the results of a research that analyzes the perception and promotion of the D1 brand in Ciudad Bolivar, D1 is a chain of low-cost stores, where products of the family basket and other articles of general interest and some specific items are marketed, in recent years it has gained strength allowing it to expand mainly in sectors where the socioeconomic level is medium, medium-low in strata 1, 2, 3 as is the town of Ciudad Bolívar.
We analyzed the experiences of some consumers with the D1 brand, this includes interactions in physical stores, customer support and the perceived quality of products or services. The article also examines communication strategies and explores the relationship between consumer confidence and brand perception. With what was observed, it was possible to understand the position of the D1 brand and the products that sell both own and allied brands from the point of view of consumers, with this, the brand can find its strengths and in which areas there are opportunities for improvement.


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How to Cite

Palacios Martínez EC, Cogollo González JA, Bernal Jiménez KV, García Rojas M. Analysis of the perception and promotion of the D1 brand in Ciudad Bolivar, during 2024. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 27 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:94. Available from: