Decision-making styles developed by commercial enterprises in the municipality of Barrancas


  • Milangela Del Carmen Romero Velazquez Universidad popular del Cesar Author
  • Angel Alberto Nava Chririnos Universidad popular del Cesar Author
  • Alexi Vidal Brito Universidad popular del Cesar Author



decision making, managers, styles, firms


The objective of this research was to explain the decision-making styles developed by the commercial enterprises of Barrancas, La Guajira. It was based on the positivist paradigm, with a descriptive non-experimental design. The population included seven commercial enterprises registered in the Chamber of Commerce, with 11 informant units. A survey with a validated and highly reliable instrument was used. The most commonly used decision-making styles are analytical and managerial, probably influenced by the search for the greatest benefit for the organization. The research concludes that the analytical style predominates, in which managers evaluate different contexts, focus on uncertain situations and clearly analyze alternatives. This approach is characterized by information gathering and consideration of multiple scenarios before making decisions


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How to Cite

Romero Velazquez MDC, Nava Chririnos AA, Vidal Brito A. Decision-making styles developed by commercial enterprises in the municipality of Barrancas. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 22 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:35. Available from: