Working conditions and health effects of workers in a microware manufacturer of medical furniture, Maracay 2019




Working Conditions, Safety, Prevention and health effects


The present study aimed to determine the working conditions and health effects of the workers of a medical furniture manufacturing microenterprise. For this purpose, a quantitative and descriptive research was carried out, applied to 6 workers, the data collection technique was based on non-participant structured observation to know the work process and a structured interview in which the guide questionnaire was applied Colombian technique 450 to identify risk factors, their level and acceptability; To recognize the health effects, the questionnaire on risks and damages by Pere and Laurent was applied with the body diagram of pain. The hazardous work processes identified were: inadequate lighting, sharp objects, moving machines and tools, particle projection, welding smoke, wood dust, vibrations, gases and vapors, lifting and transporting loads, inappropriate positions. The risk factors identified were: physical and chemical with a level of risk III being acceptable, as well as dysergonomic and mechanical with a level of risk II being not acceptable, likewise the health conditions identified were injuries by accident, eye and respiratory problems and muscle aches, the most frequent areas of pain being legs, neck and lumbar region


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How to Cite

Suarez N, Páramo M, Rodríguez C, Ron M, Hernández-Runque E. Working conditions and health effects of workers in a microware manufacturer of medical furniture, Maracay 2019. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 10 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:27. Available from: