Equality of weapons in disciplinary law, within the framework of the general disciplinary code and workplace harassment Colombia 2022 - 2023





Process, law, disciplinary, harassment, labor


In the public sphere, Law 1010 of 2006, defined and established as punishable behaviors by way of very serious misdemeanor, any insult to human dignity attributable to public servants involved in labor relations, considering the need to protect, among others, the harmony and a good work environment, which depend on the actions or omissions of workers or employees of state organizations.
Now, with the entry into force of the General Process Code, the intervention of a subject within the additional sanctioning process was allowed to the parties that are already recognized in the current procedural law, such as the recognition of the victims in line with what provided in article 109 of Law 1562 of 2019, thus imposing an inequality of subjects and a violation of due process for those investigated, so there should be no more participants in the disciplinary process other than the operator and the subject subject to discipline, under penalty to distort disciplinary law


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How to Cite

Lezama Velásquez IC, Restrepo Salazar AV. Equality of weapons in disciplinary law, within the framework of the general disciplinary code and workplace harassment Colombia 2022 - 2023. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 16 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:22. Available from: https://managment.ageditor.uy/index.php/managment/article/view/15