Consulting and advising business startups




Consulting and advisory service, Business entrepreneurship, Quality system


Startups are recently established companies, which are mainly based on selling products and/or services through information and communication technologies. They are companies that differ from others in that they have fairly small costs compared to their profits and that also tend to develop significantly. The objective of this investigation was to study the organizations that provide startup consulting and advice to Venezuelan entrepreneurial companies. A qualitative, case study-type investigation was carried out with the support of documentary research, for which 17 experts who work in three organizations that advise startup companies were interviewed. It was determined that the organizations studied converge in that all the experts are specialists in technology, financial, legal aspects, marketing, business models, likewise, the organizations studied specify mission and reasons for undertaking. It was concluded that each institution advises these ventures from its experience and the dynamics of the market that is present, therefore it is recommended to propose lines of action or guidelines, such as financing, technology, marketing, values, among others.


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How to Cite

Molina Piero Jesús U, Guillén AJ, Blanco MB, Hernández-Runque E. Consulting and advising business startups. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 12 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];2:141. Available from: