Policies and standards for inventory control at Zeraty Tablecloths and Events for the warehouse


  • Janette Melvy Vallejos Araníbar Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Katherine Alexandra Borja Jurado Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jorge Eduardo Riofrío Baquero Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author
  • Jenrry Fredy Chávez-Arizala Instituto Superior Tecnológico Adventista Del Ecuador. Santo Domingo. Ecuador Author




Inventory Control, Policies, Standards, Economic Performance


Introduction: inventory control is the internal management of the merchandise or stock that exists in a company. Inventory control is the process by which an organization manages the merchandise it keeps in storage by recording inputs and outputs.
Objective: to characterize understandable policies and standards for the management and control of inventories.
Method: a quantitative, observational, descriptive and prospective study was carried out aimed at knowing the inventory policies and standards at Zeraty Manteleria y Eventos for wineries during the year 2024, where through a simple random sampling a sample of 10 people was prepared, the survey was used as a tool that is widely used as a research procedure
Results: 50 % indicate that the organization is good, 40 % believe that inventory problems are a problem of several areas in the poor management of inventory, 70 % indicate that they do not know the procedure to be carried out in inventory management, 50 % do not know what the management standards are, 50 % do not know how often the inventory count is carried out.
Conclusions: it can be seen that in the Zarety organization there are deficiencies in the knowledge, control and management of inventories, and a great lack of knowledge of employees regarding this process is appreciated


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How to Cite

Vallejos Araníbar JM, Borja Jurado KA, Riofrío Baquero JE, Chávez-Arizala JF. Policies and standards for inventory control at Zeraty Tablecloths and Events for the warehouse. Management (Montevideo) [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 18];3:140. Available from: https://managment.ageditor.uy/index.php/managment/article/view/140