doi: 10.62486/agma202495




Importance of social research in advertising and marketing


Importancia de la investigación social en la publicidad y el mercadeo


Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez1 *, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez1 *, Julian Andres Urbano Marta1 *, Maribel Garcia Rojas1  *


1Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Colombia.


Cite as: Camelo Mendez NR, Guerrero Rodriguez MP, Urbano Marta JA, Garcia Rojas M. Importance of social research in advertising and marketing. Management (Montevideo). 2024; 2:95.


Submitted: 05-12-2023                   Revised: 13-03-2024                   Accepted: 29-07-2024                 Published: 30-07-2024


Editor: Misael Ron




If you were asked, what do you understand by advertising? Probably the first thing that would come to mind would be a commercial for your favorite brand, or maybe the advertisements you see every day around the place where you live, and mention that advertising is basically the promotion of a product in a creative way. and that is attractive to the public; Although the above does not differ in large proportions from what advertising is, it has a background that encompasses not only the colors or the jingle of a commercial that caught your attention. In reality, advertising is a process that mixes from the economic studies of its ally marketing, the spontaneity and creativity of design, to the investigation of society and its evolution. Next, we will mention the importance of the aforementioned sciences and studies in advertising; focusing on the influence that social studies have on the production of advertising strategies and pieces, connecting design and creativity, along with marketing.


Keywords: Marketing; Advertising; Quantitative Research; Youth Alcohol Consumption.




Si le preguntaran ¿qué entiende por publicidad? Probablemente lo primero que se le vendría a la mente sería un comercial de su marca favorita, o tal vez los anuncios que ve a diario alrededor del lugar en donde vive, y mencionaría que la publicidad es básicamente la promoción de un producto de una manera creativa y que sea llamativa al público; aunque lo anterior no difiere en grandes proporciones con lo que es la publicidad, ésta posee un trasfondo que abarca no solo los colores o el jingle de algún comercial que le llamo la atención. En realidad, la publicidad es un proceso que mezcla desde los estudios económicos de su aliado el mercadeo, la espontaneidad y la creatividad del diseño, hasta la investigación de la sociedad y su evolución. A continuación, mencionaremos la importancia que tienen las ciencias y estudios anteriormente mencionados en la publicidad; enfocándonos en la influencia que tienen los estudios sociales en la producción de estrategias y piezas publicitarias, conectando el diseño y la creatividad, junto con el mercadeo.


Palabras clave: Marketing; Publicidad; Investigación Cuantitativa; Consumo Alcohol Jóvenes.




We can define social research as “the process of generating knowledge related to social reality and present, past, and future human behavior” (Rosado, 2017); it is considered a scientific method that has a diverse focus and focuses on the details of social phenomena; what happens, how does it happen, why does it happen; it is involved in the daily social living and influences all its areas. Regarding this scientific method, we can see the division into two areas: the quantitative and the qualitative, which are two, respectively, a statistical and numerical study of data and a subjective study, but with depth of empirical and experimental data. The above briefly introduces the meaning and scope of this method, which has an important influence on what we know as advertising. Speaking more technically, advertising is a tool used to present and communicate a message; its objective is to reach the consumer with enough information, calling their attention with different design techniques through mass media. Likewise, marketing is defined as “the set of strategies that help companies achieve their objectives” (Redator et al., 2018); this allows advertising to materialize these strategies to make way for what they seek to launch or promote in the market.

When looking for a connection between research advertising and marketing, society is the main factor when considering an advertising strategy to launch a product or service to the market. In this case, social research is vital since it facilitates the study of who consumes advertising, how they consume it, and how it influences them.

In order to have better development and advance in information and innovate in advertising, social research is also used; in this case, quantitative and qualitative methods influence this to have a clear study and constant updating of trends to generate more demand. We find ourselves with the studies of social classes and their scope of consumption and the analysis of social evolution and technologies that have great relevance in advertising and reaching consumers according to their age, gender, and social location.

In our opinion, research is the key pillar to be clear about the needs and possible reactions that advertising can arouse in those who consume it so we can continue to innovate and evolve, actively following the trends related to social developments, to reach quickly and clearly to the population you want to reach; either adults through mass media such as radio, television or newspapers, as well as young people through new technological resources that provide us with social networks.

In conclusion, advertising campaigns need social studies to stand on their own feet, obtain the desired objective, and reach the right audience in the right way.



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The authors did not receive funding for the development of this research.



The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.



Conceptualization: Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez, Julian Andres Urbano Marta, Maribel Garcia Rojas.

Formal analysis: Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez, Julian Andres Urbano Marta, Maribel Garcia Rojas.

Research: Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez, Julian Andres Urbano Marta, Maribel Garcia Rojas.

Writing - original draft: Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez, Julian Andres Urbano Marta, Maribel Garcia Rojas.

Writing - revision and editing: Nicole Rocio Camelo Mendez, Maria Paula Guerrero Rodriguez, Julian Andres Urbano Marta, Maribel Garcia Rojas.